Human beings are created in different sizes , shapes , heights , complexions etc . Most of this these characteristics of humans are been determined by their region and atmosphere . We have the red Indians , they are called “RED” because of their complexion and this is due to their genes and some components in their atmosphere . Africans are black and this is due to their harsh weather , we have the whites too . some humans are fat , skinny , moderate size , this is due to genetics or what those individual consume .
A lot of individual suffer from depression and low self esteem due to the type of comment they receive from people about their stature . Lots of them have committed suicide for not been able to take the insults anymore .
No human being was created on his own accord ,their were created out of God’s love . If you think their are glutton and eat out of proportion there by making them obese , correct them in a humane manner , if you think they are too skinny and don’t eat right , be of help to them .Same goes to individual /children with special needs . NO HUMAN BEING IS CREATED UGLY .
Why body shame someone created in God’s image ? why make them look less human ? why make them sink into depression ? why make them look inferior ? why make them see suicide as their last option ? why derogate their self esteem? why make them think that God created them with left over materials ?
There should be a ‘RISE UP CAMPEIGN’ against individuals that body shame people . They should be enlightened on the effects of their spoken ill words , they should be told of the consequences of when such is repeated , and in some cases , they should be given a restraining order . The victims of body shaming should be given motivation and they to be made to understand that they are perfect . They should also be given a guideline on how to be outstanding in any given situation .